Get Involved — Volunteer!

When adults volunteer, all students benefit!

There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved! Your help is needed! Please scroll down to see important FERPA information for volunteers during the school year.



Current volunteer needs are posted below.

Check back for updates or complete the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch with you!

Volunteer interests  






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Mabry Welcome Desk: Attention Rising 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Parents!  
We have DAILY opportunities to help out at the Mabry Middle School Welcome Desk.
You will have a chance to meet students, parents and faculty while providing support to the front office staff and community at large. 
Please email if you’re interested; we would love to have you join the team! 




Cobb County School District FERPA guidelines for parent volunteers require that ALL parent volunteers must watch a very brief (about 3 minute) video that outlines the FERPA guidelines that must be followed  and how they relate to volunteers working in schools. 


Anyone volunteering must watch the video and sign the agreement. Anyone coming in to volunteer can take few minutes to view the video and sign the form.  The form only has to be completed once and Mabry will keep the form on file.  


  Prior to your first volunteer shift, we need you to watch the video below. The link is: 


After watching, download and sign the attached document,

or we have plenty printed here at school that you can sign when you come in.


Next, make sure to read and familiarize yourself with our Mabry PTSA Volunteer Code of Conduct and Mabry PTSA Photography and Social Media Policy for Volunteers.


Lastly, for volunteers who work frequently with the school and come into contact with students, please review the CCSD Mandated Reporting for Volunteers.


 Mabry Volunteer Perks

Our Charger calendar is packed with exciting events, and
we will need plenty of shiny, happy people to volunteer to make the events a success!
PTSA Volunteer Perks:
☀️ End of the year luncheon for all volunteers!
☀️ Quarterly drawing for a gift card package that one lucky volunteer will win (hint-the more you volunteer, the more chances you have to win)!
☀️The best part! The satisfaction you will have knowing that you did your part to make it the best year ever for our students! 
Thank you for volunteering! 

Upcoming Events